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Hawkins Animal Hospital would like to announce Project Wishbone

What is Project Wishbone?

Project wishbone is a fundraiser for the Upper Credit Humane Society which is located in Erin, Ontario. The Upper Credit Humane Society is a humane society that is “off the beaten path” (located in the country just outside Erin) so they don’t have a lot of foot traffic.

This results in fewer donations towards vital supplies for the animals. “Project Wishbone” runs every year from November until Christmas Eve. This fundraiser is different than any other fundraiser in that it is mainly based on items not dollars. At the beginning of November a list is compiled of vital supplies (i.e. food, toys, paper towels, etc) needed for the current year. Once the list is done, notifications are posted all around our clinic and in our windows letting people know what the Upper Credit Humane Society “wish list” items are. Donation boxes are placed under our Christmas tree (one for cats, and one for dogs). These are areas where people can drop off their items for donation. Because of our generous clients and passer-by’s who donate so much, these donation boxes usually have to be emptied a couple times a day!

We receive items such as dog food (dry and canned), cat food (dry and canned), dog and cat treats, bowls, dog beds, cat beds, scratching posts, cat trees, blankets and towels, dog toys, cat toys, leashes and collars, house keeping supplies (i.e. garbage bags, paper towels, laundry soap, etc) and even a few monetary donations. This year’s donations filled 2 different vehicles and a utility trailer. This humane society was so grateful for everything they received because they generally receive less than other humane societies when it comes to donations.

So even if you dropped in and in your mind only dropped off “a couple things” those “couple things” meant the world to the people who were trying their best to help these poor animals searching for their forever home. A big thank-you goes out to all of our clients and even the passers-by that took a moment and dropped of items. This resulted in the best year yet for “Project Wishbone”.

I know all those dogs and cats waiting patiently for homes are thankful for all their new toys, beds, scratching post, treats, etc. If you happen to have items that you would like to donate and it’s not during “Project Wishbone”, fell free to drop off anything you would like to donate here at Hawkins Animal Hospital and we will deliver them to the Upper Credit Humane Society on your behalf.

New Record set!

Congratulations to Murray and Joanne!  They are the new record holders for the most number of adult dogsin an exam room! They brought in their 8 beautiful Belgian Shepherd dogs all at once for their annual examinations.All 8 dogs were wonderfully behaved, with several keeners actually jumping up onto the exam table… dog,Trixie, more than once to join her friend! They all stayed together patiently awaiting all their turns, successfullysteaming up the exam room window to the point we could no longer look through it!What a feat and a testiment to happy well adjusted canines! Way to go!

“OK we were really good and we are all finished now…could someone please open the door so we can go home?”